This was with an intention of creating a database which is heavy for the server, so you can test performance.
First, create the table --
create table complex (f1 varchar (100), f2 varchar (200), f3 varchar (300), f4 varchar (400));
Then compile this program (use gcc -lgomp -fopenmp random.c) --
// compile using gcc -lgomp -fopenmp random_no_genrator.c
void rand_str(char *dest, size_t length) {
char charset[] = "0123456789"
while (length-- > 0) {
size_t index = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX * (sizeof charset - 1);
*dest++ = charset[index];
*dest = '\0';
int main () {
#pragma omp parallel
char* random100;
random100 = malloc (sizeof (char) * 100);
char* random200;
random200 = malloc (sizeof (char) * 200);
char* random300;
random300 = malloc (sizeof (char) * 300);
char* random400;
random400 = malloc (sizeof (char) * 400);
printf ("set autocommit=0;\n");
for (;;) {
rand_str (random100, 100);
rand_str (random200, 200);
rand_str (random300, 300);
rand_str (random400, 400);
// change the format if needed
printf ("insert into complex values ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');\n",random100, random200, random300, random400);
And write it's output to a file. This's going to run forever so you've to interrupt it to stop it. Go to the end of this file and remove any partial queries that were generated cause of the interrupt. This part is optional.
Append 'commit;' to the end of the file, otherwise you wont see any changes.
The import is pretty fast too.