Here I'll benchmark the seek times of various thumbdrives. Seeks times are useful when you're syncing Bitcoin/Altcoin wallets.
I'm using the seeker tool for the purpose. All units in ms.
HP -- 0.53
Kingston -- 2.2
Sandisk cruiser blade -- 0.88
Sandisk cruser micro -- 0.73
Amkette robusto 0.93
Strontium Bold -- 0.64
Strontium TNT -- 1.06
Transcend Jet USB 3.0 -- 0.7ms (on USB 2.0)
As expected, Kingston is the most popular and worst brand which's expected cause it's the people's top choice, similar to Windows.
My blog will mostly talk about Desktop Linux & it's administration, general philosophy and software politics.
Friday, June 6, 2014
Altcoin/bitcoin/litecoin difficulty, block graph/CVS generator.
This bash script will generate CSV output for any altcoin/Bitcoin given the path of it's daemon binary. It makes RPC calls via the binary to a running altcoin/Bitcoin server to generate a CSV value to stdout. You can plot it later on in Libreoffice Calc.
#! /bin/bash # generates comma separated value of blockno. and it's difficulty at custom block intervels and range #first_argument bin name #second argument block interval to sample difficulty (optional) #third argument start from block (optional) # fourth argument last block till which to analyze # name of binary (with full path if not in $PATH) bin=$1 declare -i block_intervel declare -i start_from declare -i end_till block_intervel=$2 start_from=$3 end_till=$4 if [[ $block_intervel = 0 ]] then block_intervel=1 fi if [[ $end_till = 0 ]] then end_till=$($bin getblockcount) fi echo block,diff while [[ $start_from -le $end_till ]] do echo -n $start_from, $bin getblock $($bin getblockhash $start_from) | grep difficulty | cut -d : -f2 | sed -e s/,// -e s/\ // start_from=start_from+block_intervel done
Copy-paste this in a text file and give it a .sh extension. Read the comment to learn how to use it.
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